Thank You Steve Albini

I only saw Shellac once. It was December 2007 at The Hideout. They played at Noon. It was glorious. Picture taken by me.

There’s nothing to say about Steve Albini that hasn’t been already said. Between the records he recorded for other artists and the music he created across the years, he made a huge impact on me. In honor of what would have been his 62nd birthday, here’s my Steve Albini story.

In the spring of 2006, I was working at The Indy, Illinois State University’s independent newspaper. It was our 100th issue, and I wanted to highlight the important of independent music journalism and do a piece about zine culture. I had big ambitions; I wanted to talk to heavy hitters in the zine scene, which included some of my favorite musicians and critics.

So on a whim, I called Electrical Audio and asked to speak to Steve. The voice on the phone said, “This is Steve.”

My heart skipped a beat. It’s not every day you talk to a legend on the phone.

We set up time to chat the next day. This is all pre-cell phones, so I called him the following day on my brown touchtone phone in my dorm room.

I went into the interview with some pre-canned questions. Mind you I was 20 years old and didn’t really know how to do an interview. But I loved hearing him talk about zine culture and his experience with it. I recall his answers sounded mathematical and precise. This was long before he took his trademark wit to Twitter.

I’ve since misplaced the audio and the transcription of the interview, but I do remember one quote specifically.

I asked him about how zines were spread pre-internet and he replied “Samizdat.” 

I recall there being a very pregnant pause. He then said, “Do you know what samizdat means?”

I stuttered out a “No.”

He then explained it to me. So thank you Steve not only for all of the incredible music and never compromising, but for expanding my vocabulary. 

My Favorite Industry Things in the Salesforce Spring ’24 Release

This post will cover the common industry components, as well as what’s new within public sector solutions. My post around what’s new this release in core clouds can be found here.

Last time I made my post around industry capabilities much more prose heavy, but due to time constraints, as well as a lot of these capabilities being rather incremental, I’m sticking with bullet points here. Fret not, I’ll still do my best to make it educational and mildly entertaining.

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My Favorite Things in the Salesforce Spring ’24 Release

A Woman wearing a Salesforce branded hoodie using an air fryer.
I asked Bing to create an image of a person who enjoys both their air fryer and Salesforce and this is what I got. One string hoodies are the newest fashion trend!

I’m usually late to trends in home cooking. I’m a decent cook, but I don’t like my cabinets being a wasteland of previous trends. It took me about three years to get an InstantPot, and while that was fun for about six months, it now mainly collects dust.

I finally broke down and bought an air fryer recently and it’s pretty awesome. With children, cooking is a unique set of challenges. It often needs to be fast, and at the end of the day the last thing I want is a massive pile of dishes. The air fryer has shown that I can create tasty meals without having to pull out my proverbial rolodex of kitchen appliances to make a meal.

Enough about me and my kitchen appliances.

As usual, this blog covers the core clouds and new capabilities that spark joy for me, and hopefully you too.

Last release I did two posts: one around core clouds and another around industry components and public sector solutions. I’ve done that once again.

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My Favorite Industry Things in the Salesforce Winter ’24 Release

The Capital Dome for the State of Illinois.
The Capital Dome for the State of Illinois.

For the past several Salesforce releases I’ve been trying to make my thrice a year release note blogs a little more succinct. I thought I’d try something different and break out the new capabilities in industries clouds to their own post.

This post will cover the common industry components, as well as what’s new within public sector solutions. This won’t be as light and breezy as my other post about the Winter ’24 release, but I’ll still do my best to make it educational and mildly entertaining.

Continue reading “My Favorite Industry Things in the Salesforce Winter ’24 Release”

My Favorite Things in the Salesforce Winter ’24 Release

I knew I’d be playing with fire reading the release notes and attempting to write this blog the same week as Dreamforce. But when life gives you a conference you’re not attending, you turn that slow work week into blog lemonade!

As usual, this blog covers the core clouds and new capabilities that spark joy for me, and hopefully you too.

Since I cover an industry (public sector) I’m going to do something different and do a second post where I cover core industry products and public sector solutions in that post.

Continue reading “My Favorite Things in the Salesforce Winter ’24 Release”