Letter to the Democratic Party of DuPage County

To The Democratic Party of DuPage County,

I am done with your emails. I am tired of the ugly fonts. I am tired of the long-winded emails where things are randomly capitalized, bolded, or italicized, causing me to lose the message in the sea of text. It’s 2017, not 1997. If you want people to be involved, then clean up and fix your communications.

Make things quick to read, but also actionable. Your emails should feel inclusive. Instead it feels like they’re often written for a clique. I assume that these are written by volunteers, and they’re certainly passionate about their causes. But these communications are not professional.

Your unsubscriber,


And now a gallery of some of their offenses.

Unless you’re sub-titling Avatar, don’t use Papyrus.
It’s 2017! But in the lower-right it’s 2015!
Looks like an email forward from your grandparents.
What makes non-exciting pictures less exciting? Poor formatting.
Mail merge strikes again!